CPD is Tax Deductable

Calculator and numbers
Calculator and numbers
Sheryl Kidd
January 27, 2020

Tax. It’s not the most exciting subject is it?! It’s one of those things that most of us try to avoid thinking about for most of the year, and then panic about for a couple of weeks! But it is really important to know what you can and cannot claim for, especially when it comes to work related expenses.

Generally people are aware that they can claim for things like laundry costs, uniforms and office equipment. But what about continuing education expenses?  You can claim a percentage back, right? Maybe 20%, or 30%?

WRONG!! You can claim back up to 100% of your continuing education expenses.

Any costs that you incur, are tax deductible (i.e. if your employer pays towards some of the course, that portion of the expense is not available for you to deduct). This includes course fees, course costs (such as books etc), travel expenses, parking, and anything else that you spend in relation to the course.

So maybe tax time isn’t so bad after all?

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