From fixing me, to finding me – the 100 Days of Happiness Journey

A stunning sunset
A stunning sunset
Cordene Midgley
December 13, 2021

So, on 1 September, I started my #100DaysOfHappy… The Challenge: Every day for 100 days, do 1 thing for your body, 1 thing for your soul and 1 thing that makes you happy. I also wanted to do 1 handstand push up by the end of it…did I reach every goal – uhm, no! (Rather, not yet!) But here are some learnings from the journey:

  1. I’ve never meditated this much in my life… definitely a habit to continue. I use The Insight Timer App and it has been life-changing!
  2. Attended an Inner peace yoga retreat - the real magic happened… I learned coping mechanisms, peaceful practices and how to let go. This may need to be a yearly thing - it helps you to jump off the hamster wheel. However, it is a short-lived benefit, unless you implement the learnings into a daily routine - something to note and consider carefully!
  3. Doing CrossFit 5-6 days a week makes me a happier human. This is something I cannot give up on if I want to remain emotionally stable! I still have this weird notion that sad people don't CrossFit. It may be due to the amount of endorphins running through your system every day or the fact that you are surrounded by happy and healthy people. It may also be that you train your brain to persevere when every fiber of your being wants to give up. It builds resilience and a good lifestyle!

4. Progress over perfection - I no longer aim for 100% but rather excellence whilst maintaining sanity. I learnt that many of the demons chasing me and making me believe that I needed 100% for everything were external and not internal. It was time to face them and find out what I value! Have I completely given up control: NO! But I am aiming for progress - improving just a little every day!

5. 100 days are long, boy isn’t this the truth! Wow, doing this for 100 days was harder than I expected. Giving up is easy. Perseverance takes conscious effort! But I guess that is how habits are formed - consistency!

6. Every choice one makes is a vote for the person you want to be. Choose well - and make happiness a habit! It is important to remember that these improvements are not done because you are broken, but because you want to improve! Take the time to reflect on the choices you make!

7. I stumbled (A LOT), there were tears and lows, but I have friends who will play Rummikub in the pool with me, walk down to the beach or simply hold a space while I pick myself back up. You find your tribe in any journey that you embark on is more important than you realise! Choose them well! They will carry you when you no longer want to keep going and keep you accountable!  

8. I am single. Not a place where I wanted to be at this stage in my life. I wanted the picket fence with kids running around. This is hard to comprehend that I will potentially not get that. But I am happy. And this status will not change any time soon. My coach asked me: “What would I do for me if I were dating me?!” Who knows - now it’s an adventure to find out! 

9. You HAVE to let go. If you keep on holding on, you will never be at peace. The aim is non-resistance, non-judgement, non-attachment! Easy? I think not! Worth it? Definitely!!

10. Rest is a requirement, not a reward! I started taking weekends off and my anxiety levels have significantly decreased! 

11. Hiking is great - need to hike more! There is something about nature that just decreases my heart rate! It helps me explore and see what life is really about! It brings perspective, new experiences and time without the constant phone pinging!

12. Gratitude journaling exponentially increases joy! When you focus on what you are grateful for, something magical happens. You are less sad and focus on the important things! I found happiness in workouts, in smiles, in people’s kindness and in sunsets. If you are grateful, your whole perspective changes!

13. I can be okay with being upside down - handstand push-ups are coming. It may not have been achieved in 100 days, but #watchthisspace!

14. I love my job! I have so much to learn, but I love what I do. This part was an eye-opener as many people that I interact with lately cannot share this sentiment. I love what I do – and I am good at it. If you haven’t found this yet – don’t settle! Pursue it actively and your life will fall into place. It is the biggest blessing you could receive!  

15. Life does not have to be that hard! Look for the place that you belong. That your talents are recognised, that you laugh and thrive. This is the place where you are meant to be! I recently started reading Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey - it has inspired me to look for the greenlights and chase them. Look for opportunities - it does not mean that everything will just come to you - you will work hard. But the pursuit will feel worth it!

16. It is the little things in life that make all the difference – it is Thanksgiving dinner with friends, watching the sunset, mastering double-unders in CrossFit and moments of cuddling a dog that makes me believe in life and love. It is not the big moments, but the little moments that makes life worth living!

17. When you feel despondent – you simply have no looked deep enough! Your answers are there – you just have to keep on going! You’ve got this! It may be hard, but don’t give up!

18. Sometimes you get what you need and not what you want! And that is better! There is a plan – you need to trust the process!

19. No-one can do this for you – they can give you every opportunity that you think you deserve, but you simply have to decide to do it! The outcome is up to you!

20. Be a human-being and not a human-doing. It is a fine line, but never pursue things that you think you need to keep busy to distract you from living your life. Face it ‘till you make it! Do not fake it ‘till you make it! Show up every day and fight the fight!

Were these 100 days what I expected ? Not even in the slightest! It was hard, it had ups and downs, moments of purest joy and deepest sadness! Will I change it for anything? Not a chance! This was the greatest learning! I am sure the next 100 days will be easier! The greatest learning was not to let these new habits fade away simply because the challenge is over. It was special to have gone through it – and thank you for everyone who played their part! Will I do this again – absolutely, I cannot wait! It takes commitment, dedication and perseverance, but this journey is one I will exchange for nothing!

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