We all love the “lose 5kg in 2 weeks” diets, fitness bootcamps, juice cleanses, quick ways to make money without the hard work… or if you don’t love them, you have to admit that you have tried them. Desperate for a quick fix. Somehow, we choose to sprint, always increasing intensity for results. But as Newton reminds us: “What goes up must come down.” There is a reason why quick fixes like a 2 week holiday when you have completely burned out does not “fix you”, why the 5kg that you just lost yoyo’s back and why after 1 month of intense exercise you are not suddenly the poster child for fitness. It is because, despite this increase level of intensity – something fundamental is missing… Consistency!
Consistency is a funny thing – often people see it as routine, monotonous or even boring. But consistency is the breeding ground of habits. Consistency allows good to become even better. Consistency is, simply put, the gateway to mastery.
In 2022, we would like to showcase healthy habits. To become consistent in advocating for a healthy lifestyle and to make happiness the new normal. It all starts with a simple choice – simply choosing something better every day. It is not the intensity of having 20 new year’s resolutions that you simply will not achieve – the list that you will get tired of after 14 January. This is not the ‘resolutions not met’ list. This is about intentionally deciding on an achievable goal that you can easily maintain by making a simple choice every day.
We would like to invite you along the journey with us. In 2022, we are embarking on a journey to advocate for a happier and healthier veterinary community. We are creating focus months where anyone can join to bring healthier habits into their routine. It will range from healthier eating to exercising to meditating to simply living life in a more intentional way. We would like our veterinary community to embrace a happier and healthier lifestyle.
In deciding the person that you want to be in the new year, realise that succeeding to discover him/her lies within your daily choices. You get to choose who shows up every day, who you are – day in and day out. Who you want to portray in the world and what that person is all about. I will challenge you to be authentic – to listen to your inner voice and to choose to listen to what sets you apart over the noise from the outside world.
And remember, consistency in chaos brings stability. Consistency in choices bring mastery and when you consistently choose to become the best version of yourself every day, there is no way that you cannot succeed and make 2022 your year!